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Communities In Schools of Charlotte Mecklenburg

Communities In Schools (CIS) of Charlotte Mecklenburg serves over 6,000 students in 43 high schools in Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools. CIS believes that every student needs Five Basic Resources to be successful in school and in life.


Those Five Basic Resources are:

1. A one-on-one relationship with a caring adult

2. A safe place to learn and grow

3. A healthy start for a healthy future

4. A marketable skill to use upon graduation

5. A chance to give back to peers and community


For more information about CIS, please visit:


Education is important for all children and academic achievement and learning provide numerous opportunities that can lead to a successful and enjoyable life. However, some students do not have the same opportunities or even basic resources that others do because of socio and economic factors beyond their control, which makes it difficult for them to focus on their education. These students have the same dreams and aspirations for life as their peers, but without additional support, those dreams may seem hopeless. Many often need someone extra in their life to guide them—root for them to do well or work with them to stay the course when facing hardships like insufficient warm clothing, food, and supplies or unstable housing. CIS Site Coordinators deployed in CMS work to understand the needs of students and connect them to what they need to be successful, offer a caring adult relationship, and by removing barriers to learning help students be the best that they can be. Education can open a world of opportunities, and every student should have the resources and support needed to do so. Communities In Schools strives to make that possible.


Garrick was very passionate about his studies, and he was always encourging others to challenge themselves. Whether that was by taking a rigourous course or by staying in school to earn that diploma, Garrick was there to offer support and motivation for his friends, family, and even people that he didn't know. CIS encompasses exactly what Garrick believed in regarding education. It didn't matter what you were studying, as long as you were passionate about it, he wanted you to continue with that path. If the money raised will allow less-fortunate students to graduate and become passionate about education, then Garrick will continue to live on and impact people's lives forever. 


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